As usual, Angie, a housewife from Arizona, opened the door to her laundry room without thinking. A loud hiss was heard and a giant animal appeared to him.
It immediately took her by surprise, and it took her a few seconds to realize what it was and what was going on. When she finally realized what it was, she was shocked!
Contrary to popular belief and its size, the monster posed little to no threat to her.
Although these animals can inflict a fatal bite, they are generally not interested in doing so. Nonetheless, Angel’s horror at seeing him in his laundry room is certainly understandable.
Her husband didn’t believe her story about the lizard until he came home, unloaded his clothes and saw the huge creature for himself.
Angel herself called non-emergency firefighters to see if they could help return the creature to its rightful habitat.
Soon the lizard was securely wrapped up and out of the woman’s laundry.
When they released him a few feet from the house, Angel was pleased to find that he had finally been returned to his property. If it was interesting, share it with your friends and family!