A ten-month-old baby nicknamed Budi has spent most of her short life in a small chicken coop with a Borneo local. He was kept as a pet for family entertainment.
All this time, the owner gave him almost condensed milk, which adversely affected the health of the poor little one. His bones were deformed due to lack of nutrients.
Because of this, he looks smaller than he should have been at his age. When the owner realized that Budi was so weak that he would soon die, he decided to hand him over to the authorities.
When the baby orangutan was rescued, it was already on the brink of life or death. According to the director of the International Society for Animal Rescue, Alan Knight, Budi had a huge bloated belly and twisted limbs.
He couldn’t move, he couldn’t even sit up on his own. A healthy orangutan at his age can already actively climb and swing on branches, but this one was completely helpless.
As he was taken out of his cage in Borneo to be taken to the UK, he cried out in pain as tears filled his eyes.
Everyone cried when they saw him, it was terrible to imagine the suffering endured by this poor baby, locked in a cramped cage and deprived of maternal care at such a young age.
He is now under the reliable supervision of vets and social workers. The baby can already sit up, although every movement is still painful for him.
Every day he is getting stronger, but he is still very far from fully recovered, because in addition to bone and digestive problems, he has been diagnosed with a severe form of anemia.
Under natural conditions, orangutans are in grave danger and their numbers are rapidly declining due to deforestation for oil palm plantations and other crops.
Breeders consider these primates as agricultural pests, and for hunters as easy prey, because they are not at all aggressive.
When a mother is killed, her calf is often given to families as a pet, and these babies often die due to improper care.
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