The bear, who had lost all its hair in captivity, is finally free now and flourishes day by day


After spending years in captivity, the wild animal is finally back where he belongs.

Having stolen a bear named Cholita, they sold it to a traveling circus, after which it ended up in a zoo.

He had to spend his life in a cage and watch life pass by him. However, one day ADI came in and freed him.

The wild animal was taken to the settlement of Peru, but unfortunately all that had left its mark on the poor bear.

Stress and loneliness caused the bear to eventually lose all its hair.

However, a lot has changed since then and no one is happier now than sweet Cholita.

After all that, 7 years have already passed and he is just doing great.

Thanks to proper care, he has thrived in his natural environment and his life is completely different now.

The rough days are long gone and even though his fur doesn’t grow becaus of his thick skin, his sweet personality finally got a chance to shine.

It’s just impossible not to love him. He is awesome who already has thousands of fans all over the world.

He is now enjoying the best life he could have only dreamed of before.

In his residence, he has a cave , a natural forest fence and a swimming pool, and of course his favorite hammock.

Sweet bear, who is already 31 years old, still continues to flourish in his natural environment, doing everything he loves most.

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