When Jen Eckert gave birth to daughter Bailey in June, she could never have imagined how much her rabbits, Alfin and Amelia, would love her baby.
They just loved the moment they met their new baby sister. They stood next to the child with the big ears and followed him. They were so good that Jen was sure they would love the baby right away.
Alfie and Amelia weren’t interested in anyone in the room except Bailey. They seemed to think of themselves as their child’s nanny. The child was the center of all attention, whether asleep or awake.
Now the baby spends all his time with the bunnies and they adore each other. There is a real pure friendship between them.
When Alfin and Amelia enter the room, he turns around and begins to stare at them or offer them his food.
Rabbits are large and can weigh up to 20 pounds. Alfie and Amelia seem to have managed to teach the child a lot just because of their existence. They taught about love, respect and caring.
Jen says they calm the baby down by crying or sniffling him while he sleeps.
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