A 50-year-old woman’s dream comes true when she gives birth to her first child


After years of battling infertility, Susie Troxler was thrilled to finally get pregnant.

In 2021, Susie and Toni Troxler finally have the little girl they’ve been waiting for. Mom was 50 at the time and dad was 61.

They tried to have a baby for over a decade before realizing they just couldn’t afford it.

Married for 13 years when they welcomed Lily, the couple didn’t think about fertility treatments because, like many people, they were just not sure what options were really available to them.

When they got married, they waited for the wife to get pregnant, but that didn’t happen. Back then, no one even talked to them about IVF.

She was in her late 40s when the doctor first asked her, “Is there anything else, concerns or questions?” »

Susie ventured to ask questions about her fertility and was surprised by the response. She mentioned she wasn’t pregnant yet and the doctor said they could work on it!

As soon as Susie was referred to a reproductive specialist, specifically a reproductive endocrinologist, her issues became apparent.

Troxler was diagnosed with fibroids, benign tumors that grow in the lining of the uterus. She underwent surgery in January 2019.

But that doesn’t mean getting pregnant will be easy. They still had to consider Susie’s age, as well as some of her husband’s health complications.

The Troxlers were offered to try in vitro fertilization. But they were never able to produce a viable embryo.

Then they decided to try egg donation, but the resulting embryo did not implant in Susie’s uterus. After that, the pandemic put their plans on hold for almost a year.

They had one embryo left, which was frozen. It was their last chance and in February 2021 it worked!

The couple couldn’t believe their last attempt had worked. They called the pregnancy “surreal”.

Even more surprising was Susie’s pregnancy, which “was uneventful”. At his age, there are often complications.

But after a planned caesarean on September 29, 2021, the Troxlers finally became parents.

She said it was a beautiful, exciting and peaceful moment. Everyone in the room was excited and she came out healthy and happy!

Baby Lily was born happy and healthy to two loving parents who are thrilled to have her with them, even if it means less sleep than ever.

“We see things as they should have been. This is our miracle baby,” the new mom said.

Scroll down and watch the interviews with the new mom and new dad. If it was interesting, share it with your friends and family!

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