A man dug a tunnel every night for 15 years, secretly from his wife, and years later she found out where the tunnel leads


For 15 years, this man named Patsy dug a tunnel almost every night. This guy used to do that when his wife was drifting off to sleep.

But one day she somehow suspected oddities in her husband’s behavior and discovered that the man was doing something unusual.

Intense physical work, day after day, took away a lot of time and effort from the digger. When it all became known, he said he wanted to turn it down more than once.

But the entrance was already deep enough that it also took a lot of effort to cover the tracks.

He said his wife didn’t sleep well without sleeping pills, so she drank them almost every night. He could work during this time, and sometimes he could even use a professional tool.

After a quarter of a century, the book finally came to its logical conclusion. The result was a long tunnel that led directly to the bar.

But the guy’s plan still failed, because his wife stopped taking medicine for insomnia.

One day, the woman woke up and was extremely surprised by what was happening. The husband moved the furniture. When he got home, he had to tell her the whole truth.

The decision was made to bury the manhole and it would have been impossible to avoid it anyway, because due to the illegal tunnel the whole roadway had collapsed.

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