A man had invested significant effort in his search for a house to buy for his family.
He chose a building that had been unoccupied for a considerable amount of time.
The purchasers was given assistance as they began the home’s repair by a construction crew.
The owner of the house was shocked when the workers began by removing the ceiling and floors.
Behind the rusty planks, a little trunk with a lock on it was concealed.
The trunk had been buried under the floor for at least a century, judging by the way it looked.
The fact that it existed was not well known.
After alerting him of the finding and trying to remove the find from below when the buyer arrived at the building site.
The container was rather hefty and was held together by ropes.
The personnel then began to examine the find. It was challenging since all the fasteners had rusted for a very long time.
The employment of a tool was required. As the lid eventually gave way, something dazzling could be seen.
The chest contained a lot of ingots. There were around 9,000 of them.
The chest’s contents, which included real silver, were later found.
After inquiry, it was determined that the object was worth 20,000,000 rubles.