An incredible sight: parents are amazed to see their baby standing at eight weeks


New mum Tezra Finn-Johnston, 31, jokes that she has “the strongest daughter in the world”.

Tezra and his girlfriend Emily Derrick, 23, live in Bristol, England, and say they noticed the strength of the baby just out of the delivery room.

Unlike other babies, Lula was able to hold her head up on his own at only five days to live. Tezra says that when the baby was about a month old, she tried to sit him down to calm him when she cried, but “instead of sitting down, she stayed on her lap and didn’t bend her legs.

Tezra told me that the baby sat on my lap. Lula did the same thing several times over the next few weeks, and when she was two months old and her father tried to lift her in his arms, Lula was able to support her own weight with legs.

Lula is still unable to walk, but her parents think she will soon. Emily’s mother jokes that she, like other parents, doesn’t want her daughter to grow up so fast.

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