Becky Holt (35), a native of the UK, was an adorable girl with attractive eyes, an adorable figure and beautiful long hair, until one day she had a magical idea.
At the age of 23, Becky took the first step towards the title of the most marked woman in Britain.
She has since squandered more than $42,000 to cover her body in an influx of patterns and emblems.
Arms, legs, torso and head. There is little space to be blessed with tattoos.
However, this petulant record holder has contained good and admitted to experimenting with tattooing on the most allergic areas.
That’s how Becky established a new feat by getting her lips branded.
The tattoo artist had to accomplish five different sittings to accomplish the brave design on this area as all sensitive.
“It was ridiculously distressing for me. It was very difficult to have the tattoo artist between my legs, but I needed to do it because I wanted to complete my outfit,” Ms. Holt said.
Take a look at Mrs. Holt’s look as she did when she achieved her dream, and see for yourself where the extraordinary evolution of her look has taken her.
In any case, she has a distinctive appearance and is quite unique in her body.