How are Merkulov’s quintuplets at 3 years old – the long-awaited bliss


Alexander and Anastasia Merkulov, married, gave birth to five children at the same time in the summer of 2017.

Everyone expected to have four children, but it ended up being five.

The young parents were not deterred in any way, for if there weren’t four children, there were five!

As a result, the couple had long dreamed of having children, but their attempts failed.

Anastasia believed she did. Each pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage.

In 2016, Nastya announced that she was again waiting for her husband Sasha.

Fortunately, this pregnancy carried through to 32 weeks and the woman was preparing for a planned C-section.

Since her mother was quite frail and the doctors had to fight for her life, her surgery was quite painful for her.

When her condition began to improve, the doctor entered the ward in shock and told Nastya: “You have to survive.

There are five adorable children waiting for you.”

The fulfillment of a long-cherished desire filled the Merkulovs with joy!

Sometimes one wondered how they managed so many small children.

When the children were small, Anastasia managed on her own with the help of her husband after her work.

After six months, when the children started moving on their own, Alexander planned a trip to help his wife.

Thus, the quintuplets remained alive for three years.

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