When Key Brandon and Jason Frost went fishing one day, they couldn’t even imagine they could catch kittens instead of fish.
Never in their lives would they have thought that their fishing trip would turn into a real trip to save little cats.
While on the boat, they suddenly looked around and noticed two kittens that needed help.
They were completely helpless and waded through the water, trying to call someone for help. When they saw the cat there, they were shocked because they couldn’t believe it!
Despite the precarious situation, the terrified kittens were excellent swimmers and seemed grateful that their friends were able to save them.
And, according to the fishermen, these poor creatures were abandoned by their former owner, who supposedly threw them soulless into the water.
Barely out of the water, the two fishermen meet a small family who quickly fall under the spell of the kitties and decide to adopt them. Later they named them the River and the Key.
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