He sat down for a set meal while gazing out the window. He didn’t have a ton of stuff to do for the 1st time in a long time, so he just wanted to take it all in.
But the 2 kids who were licking their lips at the window while watching how others ate truly moved him, so he decided to treat them.
The two little kids walked after the adult. He handed them a menu and grinned as he enquired about their meal preferences.
They tossed the menu down in confusion and gestured to the meal he had selected for himself.
He phoned the waiter and placed a second order for two of the same.
The bro and sis exchanged glances before starting to eat the soup, first cautiously as if they were frightened of something, and then fervently.
He gave them ice cream as their dessert. The man felt that he earned extra coffee today because he had done something good after the kids went home, so he placed another order.
The bill arrived shortly, and as the waiter handed it to him, he was shocked to read a note instead of the normal numbers:
“Everyone can’t be rescued! But today you managed to save 2! I’ve had enough!
The guy gave the message a lengthy look before taking it with him.
Now he was certain that positive things may also have a boomerang effect.