The farmer kept an “ordinary” stone, believing it contained gold. It turns out to be worth many times more than anyone expected…


A farmer who lives in Australia kept an “ordinary” stone for 10 years, which was not at all ordinary for him. As he thought, there was gold in that stone, and that is why he kept it for so long.

The man’s name was David Hall, who has farms near Melbourne. The Austrian was looking for gold, because in the 19th century people found gold in that place.

When David found the stone, he decided that it was not just a stone, but gold hidden under the mineral.

The point is that the stone was quite durable, so the man could not break it open to see what was inside.

Even the most modern tools did not help him to do this and find out what was inside.

Eventually, when the man realized that nothing was working, he simply put the stone on the shelf, keeping it as a souvenir, but even after that, he continued to believe that the stone was very valuable.

He knew that one day he would find the gold, but maybe it would have remained there, continuing to pollinate, if one of his friends had not helped him …

As it turned out, the stone the man had found was nothing but a meteorite, which meant that it had a higher price than the farmer expected.

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