The plump girl weighed 80 kg at the age of 10


This girl named Brianna Bond has always felt bad because her classmates made fun of her because of her weight. The young girl had gone from forty-five kilos to eighty-five kilos in one year.

The reason for his staggering obesity was not his health problems, but his endless craving for junk, low-quality, industrially produced foods. At first, the parents did not understand the seriousness of the problem and continued to buy sweets for the child.

In addition, she ate at fast food outlets several times a week. His father and mother did not regain consciousness after seeing the number on the scale.

They took the girl to the hospital and she turned out to be healthy. But it was necessary for him to reduce the amount of caloric food. Brianna now had to follow the diet. So she started doing sports, but she knew it wasn’t easy.

In addition, the parents had started to limit certain things. Luckily, after a while she started to feel better and her weight went down. Classmates no longer made fun of the girl and had a very good relationship with her.

Now the fourteen-year-old girl eats harmful foods as little as possible, continues to play sports and no longer follows a strict diet. Apart from that, she also helps others to avoid such troubles.

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