The senior dog who was neglected for a long time, has found the best owner he could ever “ask for”


Senior dogs often stay longer at shelters because most people prefer to adopt puppies.

Unfortunately, as a result of all this, many kind and loving senior dogs are neglected,but continuing to hope that one day they will finally come to adopt them.

One of them was 14-year-old Shay, who was deaf and partially blind.

Shay ended up in the shelter after his previous family decided to abandon him when they were moving to a new home.

So the poor dog waited and waited for a new loving family to finally come and adopt him.

The sweet dog was in bad shape and apart from what he was going through he also suffered from some dental diseases and was completely rotten.

Unfortunately, after all the problmes old Shay’s chances of being adopted became even smaller.

For months he was constantly being ignored, but he had so much love to give… He just had to be given one more chance.

Then, a young boy walked into the shelter with his mother, who was looking for a small dog to adopt.

However, when the boy’s mother saw Shay, she realized that he would be just perfect for them.

When these two met each other, everything at once became clear: they should start a family.

They were very suitable for each other and Shay instantly trusted Tristan. The boy’s joy seemed to ignite as he held the sweet little doggie in his arms.

The young boy understood very well that the dog needed special care and said that he was ready to do everything to make Shay the happiest.

The smart boy many questions so that he would know everything and be able to take care of the dog in the best possible way.

He listened intently to all the vet appointments and even though people thought Shay was “too much work”, The adorable dog saw him for who he was from the very beginninh.

Now Shay feels great in his family, full of love and warmth and will never be alone again.

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