Joining the military and making untold sacrifices for our country require bravery. As a result, we should all express gratitude to our veterans for risking so much for our safety.
Sadly, however, there are still a lot of veterans who return home to “go without.” Fortunately, we can do something.
The story of this veteran is truly moving. A news crew was aware that they could and should assist him when they heard about his predicament.
The Fox 5 Surprise Squad went to the local Albertsons on a sunny day in Las Vegas. They picked random customers and paid for their groceries because they wanted to do something special for the residents.
The team was led by Dave Hall. He made his way up to several people who were about to leave. Every time he asked if he could pay for their food, he made their day.
They kindly stepped in and paid for the shopping orders of strangers on multiple occasions.
The workers were aware of the regulars who were in greatest need of assistance as they watched as the crew helped a few random customers.
One cashier was nearly crying. She was overjoyed and overwhelmed with gratitude to witness these acts of kindness brighten each person’s face.
Last but not least, Dave introduced himself to Stephanie. She was a veteran with disabilities. She got around using her wheelchair. Stephanie clarified that she was purchasing food for her dogs as well as herself.
She was really struggling because she didn’t have a lot of money. She acknowledged to Dave that she had only saved $50. Being able to assist excited the news anchor.
Stephanie couldn’t have been happier that he covered the entire cost of the groceries. Dave paid attention to the man behind her. Is this your spouse?
He pressed. In fact, her husband’s friend was the man. Another veteran who had been in the same club as Stephanie’s husband was Larry.
Bones For Blankets was a club whose mission was to provide homeless veterans with blankets. After suffering the tragic loss of three of his brothers, Larry had established the organization sixteen years earlier.
They were all dead from freezing. The experience made it crystal clear to Larry how crucial it is to share resources.
Larry explained that Stephanie’s husband worked as a truck driver and was frequently away from home due to his job. The woman needed Larry to take her wherever she needed to go.
He wanted to do whatever he could to make her life easier because he was sympathetic to her struggle. He stated, “No vet should be going through what she is going through.”
Even though Larry couldn’t afford to buy groceries, he drove Stephanie to the grocery store. He only had a candy bar and a dish soap bottle in his hands as he stood in the checkout line.
He had no other option. Dave insisted that the helpful vet not leave the store without any actual food. He thanked the veteran for their service. Now it is our turn to assist you.
Larry had watery eyes. He told his story as he followed Dave back into the aisles. Food and toiletries filled the cart to the brim.
When the man awoke that morning, it was much more than he had anticipated. The veteran acknowledged being overwhelmed by the kindness shown to him.
Since he was a teenager, he had taken care of himself, and now a stranger showed up out of the blue just to buy him food. Dave was repaid by Larry.
Larry had already done his part, the reporter responded. Larry, you deserve this because we try to help good people, Dave said.
Larry mentioned that he had never spent that much on groceries before when they finished checking out. His expression showed how much he valued this particular moment.
Larry gave Dave his sincere gratitude. After that, he was off. He left the grocery store, but the importance of the moment will never diminish.
As a soldier in the army or a Good Samaritan who helps those in need, Larry has developed the habit of showing up for others.
That’s what makes it so special to see Larry receive some of the kindness he has shown.
The touching shopping excursion has been watched more than one million times on the YouTube channel of FOX 5 Las Vegas, and it continues to demonstrate how much it pays to be kind.