The waitress crosses the street to bring a hamburger from a nearby restaurant to a hungry waiter


To feed the hungry boy, the waitress went to the restaurant and brought him a sandwich from there.

In turn, the boy did the work for her without her knowledge. She realized it the same evening when she came to the restaurant.

Melisa was a typical American and also a single mother.

It was very difficult for a woman with three children. She could not support them, so she worked two jobs. The prices of everything were then high and she could not face it alone.

For a week she worked as a waitress, and on weekends at a friend’s hairdresser.

One day, Melisa was getting ready for the grand opening of the restaurant when a waiter arrived and ordered the biggest burger.

It was obvious that the boy was in such a situation for the first time. He said he was brand new and he didn’t know where to eat anything.

He said his mother was sick and couldn’t feed him, so she gave him some money and told him to go eat. The boy took his mother’s money and went out to find something to satisfy his hunger.

She immediately thought they would have a lot of customers at that time as it was rush hour.

So she thought and decided that it would be good if she went to the restaurant herself, because the boy would not be served alone. She decided to go to his house herself and bring him his breakfast.

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