This is an admirable deed: an old woman cleaned 52 beaches by herself. Here’s an intriguing explanation!


A new year is a time for many people to advance in their personal or professional life.

The 70-year-old ecoactivist Pat Smith, though, spent her whole year working to clean up the beaches in her native Devon and Cornwall.

Smith spent the whole year cleaning 52 beaches, using a special stick for picking up rubbish, a bundle of waste bags, rubber gloves, and other supplies.

Smith’s commitment to the environment is commendable, but her actions also help her physically.

She made light of the fact that individuals should volunteer to clean up the beaches rather than paying for exercise programs.

It is free, assists in maintaining one’s health, and benefits the environment in addition to all of the above.

It’s unusual for one individual to be able to do so much in so little time.

Yet Smith’s commitment to sanitizing the beaches in her hometown is an example to us all.

It serves as a reminder that even little deeds may have a significant influence on the world around us when committed by a large number of people.

Smith’s work serves as a powerful illustration of both the value of protecting the environment and the potential of human action.

Her commitment to sprucing up the beaches in Cornwall and Devon has improved their aesthetic appeal and contributed to their preservation for future generations.

Take a cue from Smith and let’s all work to improve the environment in our own unique ways.

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