Twins celebrate their 100th birthday telling about the unforgettable life they had together


Today is a very important day for the twins, because they are celebrating their 100th birthday.

During these hundred years, they have always been side by side, spending wonderful and unforgettable days together.

They have overcome every difficulty in their life together, always supporting each other.

“The thing that people love the most is that we’re still together after all these years,” the twins said.

“Since the day we were born, we have been inseparable and we have done everything together during all the ups and downs of life.”

Eddie and Norma always amaze everyone with their togetherness, but of course like every family, it’s not always smooth sailing.

There were many difficulties in their life, but together they always overcame it.

The sisters were raised by a single mother, and it was certainly not easy.

After finishing school, Edie started working as a nurse and Norma was a hairdresser.

Within three months of that, they both got married,had children, but they were never more than two towns apart.

“It was the first time we had to live apart,” Norma said. “That’s why we decided to always live as close as we could.”

Even when they are not together, they seem to feel each other.

The sisters even feel that if the other got sick or when Norma thought about calling her sister, the phone would ring at that moment and it would be Eddie.

When their husbands died, the sisters moved to Florida together and now live in a mobile home park.

Together they go to church, shops and events for the elderly. They also have their friends and neighbors by their side, who help the twins if necessary.

As one of the neighbors told, Eddie is quieter and Norma is the talker. Norma has to stand up and talk to everyone. But they both light up every place they go to.”

“We cannot be without each other. As we came together, we are going together,” said the twins.

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