You have never seen such a spectacular scene: see how these twins are fighting over a small pacifier.
Who can sit around all day watching babies? It is almost impossible. Although babies are the cutest little things on the planet, they also like to be a little mischievous.
You have never seen such a spectacular scene: see how these twins are fighting over a little pacifier
If parents show up at the right time and manage to film something funny and tender that the babies are doing, it will become very viral on social media.
You have never seen such a spectacular scene: see how these twins are fighting over a little pacifier
During these sweet moments, dad was there with his cell phone, which was a great happiness.
In this sweet video, these two adorable little girls are fighting over a little pacifier.
You have never seen such a spectacular scene: see how these twins are fighting over a little pacifier
Don’t worry, no babies were harmed in the making of this hilarious video.
You have never seen such a spectacular scene: see how these twins are fighting over a little pacifier
But these cute twins have a little question. There are two babies and only one pacifier available. So you still have to fight to get it.
It’s the most adorable thing you could ever see.
You have never seen such a spectacular scene: see how these twins are fighting over a little pacifier
These little twins may not quite agree, but we know that they still love each other at the end of the day.